Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Name's Spielberg, Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg has commented on how much an impression the Bond films had on him as a filmmaker. When presenting Sean Connery with the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award he said:

“well rare is the moment when to honor an actor who has captured lightning in a bottle. And rare is the moment when that actor creates a character for me, for you and for millions of people around the world. People who do not speak the same language but they share this character, one that inhabits our most impossible dreams and influences what we’d like to wear (Turnbull & Asser with Rolex watch) what we’d like to drink (martinis, shaken not stirred) and what we’d like to drive (Aston Martin DB-5). His very name is an example of this, his name is Bond, James Bond.”

It turns out that the Bond film music helped inspired one of the the most memorable scenes in movie history, the opening scene in Spielberg's film, Raiders of the Lost Ark. So here are the main themes to Goldfinger and Thunderball, back-to-back, separated by only a few seconds within the film, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought I would comment and say neat theme, did you make it for yourself? It's really awesome!